About the Gathering

Southern Rodmakers is an annual gathering of bamboo fly rod makers. Over 300 craftsmen from 39 states have gathered on the White river near Cotter Arkansas since 1998. If you're interested in making bamboo fly rods, join us at the gathering in October, or follow the links below to join the on-line gathering of bamboo rod makers. "The List" is a great place to start. The list is an old school e-mail server with hundreds of members around the world.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Taper Quest 2014 - Last Call

A note from Marv Loopstra - The deadline is today September 23rd.  Get in touch with him today if you have a taper to add to the list:

This will be the final call for ANYONE attending SRG 2014 to place their 7'6" 5 wt. into TaperQuest 2014.

For those who were not at SRG last year, the object of TaperQuest is to cast and evaluate various different tapers, all 7' 6"  5wt and to note your evaluations in your supplied TaperQuest Workbook. 

Bob Norwood will discuss the rod actions vs. the various curves produced in his program hopefully giving us a connection between rods and stress curves.
This is open to ALL attendees.  If you did NOT bring a rod last year and wish to participate, please email the taper, number of sections, ferrule size, and location to me at: loopco@earthlink.net.

If you DID bring a rod last year, please remember to bring it again.  New workbooks will be issued.

In case  you are self conscious, please take heart in the fact that this is not an evaluation of the quality of your rod Cosmetics do not enter into this evaluation.  The sole purpose of this experiment is to evaluate the actions of like rods of different tapers.  Even I did one for cryin' out loud !

I need all new tapers and associated info emailed to me no later than Tuesday of next week (9/23/2014).

Thanks, see you in a month !
Marv Loopstra